Välkommen till en vackrare båtvärld - det är här det händer
Upplagd den 3 Maj 2015 klockan 10.58 7 kommentarer 0 Gillar
Upplagd den 10 Juli 2010 klockan 11.33 0 kommentarer 0 Gillar
Hej alla. Är de någon som har lite info om denna skapelse? De ska tydligen vara en Honda motor på den.
Upplagd den 11 April 2010 klockan 19.43 1 Kommentar 0 Gillar
Äntligen har man kommit till ett litet delmål i renoveringen av Vätöbåten Carmen. Fördäcket på plats med ny pine och mahogny, samt nya däcksbalkar. Nu får däcket vila lite o focus blir på rufftaket som också ska få ny mahogny.…
FortsättUpplagd den 9 December 2009 klockan 14.44 7 kommentarer 0 Gillar
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We own Bella now for 6 years. The previous owner did let do a lot of work on the bottom of the ship. The old varnish was completely removed and she is varnished again from skretch. And she got a new bleu tent. And a lot more. Lately she got a new fishing and timber body at the rear deck and new stainless steel on the side of the hull. Bella also has a B20 engine that makes her very fast. I gave her a new ignition and fuel pump. The 2 carburators are bit difficult to adjust but now she runs very smooth. Of course a lot more things are done. It's very nice this swedish claasic boat website. As soon as I got time, I will add more history and pictures on my page.
Great that you give your boat Carmen a new second life!
Greetings from Holland, Matthijs Bakker
Johhny Björling