En av USAs största båttillverkare Genmar har gått i konkurs och står nu inför en utförsäljning likt den som gamla OMC drabbades av. Varumärkena splittras och kunskap riskerar att gå förlorad. Men månag av de mycket välrenommerade namnen kommer genom detta att överleva. Såhär skriver IBI News om det hela:
"The judge overseeing the Genmar bankruptcy case has issued an order clearing the way for the assets sale. United States Bankruptcy Judge Dennis D. O'Brien overruled objections by Textron about the terms of the bankruptcy sale and approved Genmar's motion of sale.
O'Brien said in his December 14th order that Genmar had "articulated good and sufficient reasons" for approving the sale of the assets, and that the process of the stalking horse bidder was "fair and appropriate."
Platinum Investments' affiliate, Project Boat Holdings, was earlier named as the stalking horse bidder with its US$55m bid. The company said it wants to acquire the Larson, Glastron, Stratos, Ranger, Champion, Four Winns, and Wellcraft brands. O'Brien also approved a breakup fee and expense reimbursement for the stalking horse.
Former Genmar Chairman Irwin Jacobs also said that he will be bidding for the VEC technology and several other boat brands, including Carver, Marquis and Ranger, among other brands.
The auction for the assets will take place on January 7. O'Brien will hold a hearing on January 13 to consider final approval of the sale."